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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 64: West San Jose, Campbell, Saratoga, Santa Clara & neighboring cities

AYSO 64 Board

Many hands make light work!  Please step forward and volunteer so your kids can have a fantastic soccer experience!

For region contacts, see our Contacts page.

Each AYSO Region is led by a board of directors who plan and implement our local soccer program for children. Do you have a passion for managing or organizing rather than running around on fields like a coach or referee? Then volunteer to join our board -- we can always use extra help! If you are interested please talk to any board member and read the rest of the material on this page.

Here are the seven required AYSO board positions:

Regional Commissioner - Leads the Region and its board. Considers the needs of the community in providing a vibrant, growing Region ensuring as many players as possible get the AYSO experience. Includes overseeing strategy, finances, volunteer recruitment, scheduling, policies and procedures, growth and most of all, making soccer fun for the players.

Registrar - Plans and carries out the annual registration of all players including choosing sign-up locations, coordinating on-site registration, and gathering applications and fees.

Treasurer - Handles the financial activity of the Region, and its paperwork, including registration fee collection/recording/depositing, preparing budgets, and paying bills.

Safety Director - Ensures safety across the region by overseeing maintenance of soccer equipment, nets, fields and facilities as well as making sure insurance and incident forms are properly submitted. 

Coach Administrator - Implements the AYSO National Coaching Program at the Region level, including training, development, certification, coach support, and more.

Referee Administrator - Implements the AYSO National Referee Program at the Region level, including implementing training and development, certification and more.

Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA) - Plans and implements the annual registration of all Region volunteers. They follow the guidelines of the Safe Haven™ program including gathering applications for volunteer positions, screening applicants and upholding state laws that protect children.

Here is the full list of all of our core and extended board members. All are welcome at our board meetings, the asterisked ones are generally required to attend to form a quorum at board meetings.

Regional Commissioner*
Assistant Regional Commissioner*

Assistant Registrar
Mail-In Registrar
PCSSL Registrar
Registrar's Aide

Assistant Treasurer

Safety Director*

Regional Referee Administrator*
PRO Referee Coordinator
Referee Trainer
Referee Trainer Representative

Regional Coach Administrator*
Assistant Coach Administrator
Regional Coach Trainer
U5 Boys Division Coordinator
U5 Master Coach
U5 Program Manager
Boys' Lead Coordinator *
Boys' Game Scheduler
U6 Boys Division Coordinator
U8 Boys Division Coordinator
U10 Boys Division Coordinator
U12 Boys Division Coordinator
U14 Boys Division Coordinator
U16 Boys Division Coordinator

Girls' Lead Coordinator *
Girls' Game Scheduler
U5-6 Girls Division Coordinator
U8 Girls Division Coordinator
U10 Girls Division Coordinator
U12 Girls Division Coordinator
U14 Girls Division Coordinator
U16 Girls Division Coordinator
U19 Division Coordinator
VIP Registrar, Buddy Coordinator

Assistant CVPA
Regional Secretary *
Volunteer Coordinator *
Volunteer Coordinator Aide
Hospitality Coordinator

Tournament Director
Opening Day Coordinator

Team Manager Administrator *
Picture Day Coordinator
Assistant Picture Day Coordinator

Equipment Manager
Assistant Equipment Manager
Uniform Coordinator
Sweatshirt Coordinator
Sweatshirt Tech Lead

Publicity Manager *
Publicity - Banners
Publicity - Large Street Banner

Field Manager
Field Assistant Managers
Practice Fields Coordinator
Snack Shack Coordinator
Lock Manager
Field - Trash captain
Field Captain U5-U6
Field Captain U8 Boys
Field Captain U8 Girls
Field Captain U10 Boys
Field Captain U10 Girls
Field Captain U12 Boys
Field Captain U12 Girls
Field Captain U14
Field Captain PCSSL
Field - Initial Lining Lead
Field - Intial Lining Assistant
Field - Paint Manager

Assistant Webmaster
WebYouthSoccer data/password update
E-group ( Yahoo ) Coordinator
Lost & Found & Freecycling Coordinator

The asterisked (*) positions are the ones that should attend every board meeting and the ones that count in terms of having a quorum for votes at a board meeting. 

See the WebYouthSoccer  Board Members page for the full list of who is fulfilling what role and which are currently open. The positions where we need new people are marked with "Need ----->  Contact Vol Coord". If you are interested in filling one of these roles, please send an email to [email protected]

We ask board members to:
  1. serve for at least 1 year (but preferably 3 years),
  2. find and train a replacement for themselves before leaving, 
  3. notify the RC and [email protected] 3-6 months before they resign. Thanks!

Other Board resources:

National Partners

Our Region Sponsors

Contact Us

AYSO Region 64

PO Box 701126 
San Jose, California 95170

Email Us: [email protected]
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