Spring 2025 Open Recreation Soccer
EPIC-Inclusive Soccer For Kids With Disabilities
2024-2025 Referee Signups
2024-2025 Region 64 Board Signups
How to Volunteer
Soccer Field Maps 2024 Fall
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Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.
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AYSO Region 64: West San Jose, Campbell, Saratoga, Santa Clara & neighboring cities
Spring 2025 Open Recreation Soccer
EPIC-Inclusive Soccer For Kids With Disabilities
2024-2025 Referee Signups
2024-2025 Region 64 Board Signups
How to Volunteer
Soccer Field Maps 2024 Fall
How to Volunteer
IMPORTANT: If you have signed up as a Field Prep volunteer, you do NOT have to do any of the items listed below. You will be contacted separately for the Goal/Field Set-up in-person training shortly before the season starts.
for the Field Prep instructions that are used for the Spring 2025 season training sessions.
Table of Contents
Volunteer Types
Common Training/Certifications
Details of Training/Certification Information
Risk Status (aka Background Check)
Fingerprinting: Option 1
Fingerprinting: Option 2
Concussion Awareness
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
AYSO Safe Haven
AYSO Training Website (aka AYSOU)
AYSO Coach-specific Training
AYSO Referee/8U Official Training
AYSO Team Manager Training
Volunteer Types
There are two types of volunteers within AYSO:
Volunteers that work with or around children on a regular basis (Coaches, Referees, Team Managers) or have access to registration information (most Board members). This page is focused on the training/certification requirements for this group.
Volunteers that do not typically work around children or don't have access to any system information (e.g. Fields Liners, Goal Setup). These volunteers do not have to go through any of the trainings or certifications listed below. However, they will still need to complete the Goal/Field Setup in-person training. Details for this training will be emailed out prior to the season start.
Common Training/Certifications
All volunteers in the first group (Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Referee, 8U Official, Team Manager, and most Board members) are required to go through a set of common certifications per AYSO and state guidelines. Here is a list of the common requirements:
Risk Status (aka Background Check)
CDC Concussion Awareness
(online training)
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
(online training)
AYSO Safe Haven
(online training)
(~90 minute online training the first time. 30 minutes for renewing about every 15 months)
If you sign up to volunteer as a Coach, you are also required to
take coaching classes
equivalent to the age group you are coaching.
If you sign up as a Referee or 8U Official, you are also required to
take referee classes
equivalent to the age group you are refereeing.
Details of Training/Certification information
Detailed information on how to obtain the certifications and directions on how to access them are listed below.
NOTE: Do NOT upload ANY documentation for ANY course or certification, in spite of what the website may say when viewing your Volunteer profile.
Upon completion of any online course, background check, fingerprinting, etc., your profile will automatically be updated to reflect the completion. In some cases, it may take several days to update in your profile, like for the background check and fingerprinting.
: When you signup to be a volunteer at
, you MUST enter your name as it appears on your Government issued photo ID (drivers license, passport, etc.).
If your name doesn't match what's on your ID, the background checks will fail. If your name is different and you haven't submitted your application for a background check or fingerprinting, you can edit your information before submitting.
Risk Status (aka Background Check)
: This is done through an external vendor (Sterling Volunteers) for AYSO National and is typically valid for about 15 months. When you signed up for one of the background checked volunteer roles and if you hadn't completed a background check with any AYSO program within the past year, you should have received an email from Sterling Volunteers (
[email protected]
) with a link to their website to start the background check process. If you didn't receive the email (
check your spam folder
), follow these instructions:
Login to your account at www.ayso64.org
Click on the 'Volunteer' tab on the left side
In the 'Certification' area of the page, click on the check box for the 'Risk Status' row and then click on the 'Renew & Update' button
On the popup, verify and update (if needed) your information and click on the 'Submit' button
Click on the 'Submit' button on the next page asking you to confirm that you want to initiate a background check
The next popup will say the background check request has been submitted, so click on the 'Continue' button
Check your email for an email from 'American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO)' where the actual email address should be '
[email protected]
'. If you don't see it in your inbox,
. Their emails almost always gets caught in the spam folder.
There should be a link in the email to the Sterling Volunteers website where you can create an account (if this is your first time), or login with your credentials (if you are renewing a background check).
Once logged in, follow the instructions through the process. On the final page, there will be a payment option. Note that AYSO Region 64 will pay the background check fee (you can select the 'Not at this time' check box for this option). However, if you would like to help defray the cost to AYSO Region 64, you have the option to pay the $25 background check fee yourself.
Once you have completed the background check process, you will receive another email confirming your submission of the background check fee. If you had paid for the background check fee yourself, this email will also serve as your receipt. It will typically take a few business days for the background check process to complete. You can check on the status by going to the 'Volunteer' tab from your account at www.ayso64.org and checking the status of the 'Risk Status' line item.
Note that you have not successfully submitted your background check until:
You find the Sterling email and click the link
(this email could potentially be in your SPAM FOLDER)
You validate your information in the Sterling Volunteers website and submit your personal information
You will see a Congratulations! message and receive a final email from Sterling stating, "You Did It!"
: This is a
requirement by the State of California
If you had already been fingerprinted in a previous season for any AYSO program, you will NOT have to go through fingerprinting again.
If you have never been fingerprinted for an AYSO program, you will need to go through fingerprinting one time. Even if you have previously been fingerprinted for a non-AYSO youth program or school, you will still need to be fingerprinted for AYSO as the fingerprinting statuses do not carry across different organizations for privacy reasons. It may take up to 30 business days for your results to be processed by the California Department of Justice.
There are two ways to get fingerprinted for AYSO:
Option 1
: Signup for an AYSO Region 64-hosted fingerprinting event (preferred). AYSO Region 64 will host a fingerprinting event on 3/1/2025 9am - 1pm at
Cupertino Community Hall
, which is the same day/place as the Spring 2025 Parent/Team Orientation (aka Go Day). If you missed this event, go to
Fingerprinting Option 2
Follow these steps to signup for an appointment at the AYSO Region 64 fingerprinting event:
Go to
and click on the big red 'Get Fingerprinted at a Sponsored AYSO Event' button. A fingerprinting event will not be shown until a month before the event, so if that's the case, you can check back later.
On the 'User Validation' popup, enter your email and click on the 'Proceed' button
Check your email for a 6 digit code to enter on the 'User Validation' popup and click on the 'Proceed' button
In the 'Region Number' dropdown for Step 1, scroll down and select the Region 64 option ('2J64 - AYSO - REGION 64 | 2J64') and click on the red 'Next' button
In the next section (Step 2), fill out the information in the yellow boxes and click on the red 'Next' button.
: The Legal Name must match the Government-issued photo ID (e.g. driver's license) that you will need to bring to the fingerprinting event as it will be checked to see if it matches.
In the next section (Step 3), click on the red 'Schedule Appointment' button for a fingerprinting event that works for you (e.g. 'AYSO Special Events (MARCH 5th EVENT ONLY) AYSO REGION 64 Sponsored Fingerprinting Event - AYSO15') and note the date of the event as you will need it for the next step.
In the next section (Step 4), select the date of the fingerprinting event you had picked in the previous step, then select a specific time on the list of available appointments, then click on the red 'Next' button. The time you pick
as long as you show up anytime during the fingerprinting event until about 15 minutes before it ends.
: Note that when you first get to this page, the calendar may be showing the current date, NOT the date of the fingerprinting event you had selected in the previous step. This gets confusing because it says 'No appointments available for the selected date. Please select a different date on the calendar'. You have to specifically select the date for the event you had selected before the appointment times are displayed for you to pick one.
In the next section (Step 5), you will be required to watch a 4 minute video that walks you through what you will need to bring to your fingerprinting appointment and what to expect. When you are done with the video, click on the red 'Next' button.
Follow the prompts from there and you will be emailed a QR code which you will need to present when you arrive for your appointment. You will also need to bring a government issued photo ID like a driver's license. Note that you should NOT be charged for this. If you are, stop the process and email us at
[email protected]
NOTE: There is no need to upload any documentation to your profile or any other action required on our part after completion of the fingerprinting.
The results will be posted to your volunteer profile at www.ayso64.org automatically when completed (usually 1-2 weeks after fingerprinting).
Option 2
: The second option requires getting a unique code and getting fingerprinted at a
local fingerprinting service center
. If you were unable to attend the AYSO Region 64 fingerprinting event from the steps above, follow these steps to get fingerprinted at
one of these nearby locations
[email protected]
with your name and the position you've signed up to volunteer for to request a fingerprinting code
Go to
and click on the big red 'Use My Prepaid Code for Live Scan Fingerprinting' button.
On the 'User Validation' popup, enter your email and click on the 'Proceed' button
Check your email for a 6 digit code to enter on the 'User Validation' popup and click on the 'Proceed' button
Enter the six-character Pre-paid Code that was provided by the Registrar (from the first step) in “VERIFICATION/ PREPAID CODE” section and click on the 'Next' button. The code must be entered in ALL CAPS and must be typed in. Do not copy and paste the code.
In the 'Region Number' dropdown, scroll down and select the Region 64 option ('2J64 - AYSO - REGION 64 | 2J64') and click on the red 'Next' button
In the next section, fill out the information in the yellow boxes and click on the red 'Next' button. The Legal Name must match the Government-issued ID that you will need to bring to the fingerprinting center as it will be checked to see if it matches.
In the next step, choose a fingerprinting service center location and select an appointment time.
In the next section, you will be required to watch a 4 minute video that walks you through what you will need to bring to your fingerprinting appointment and what to expect. When you are done with the video, click on the red 'Next' button.
Follow the prompts from there and you will be shown a form which you will need to print or save on your phone to present when you arrive for your appointment.
When you go to your appointment at the location you had selected, make sure to bring a printed copy or digital copy on your phone of the form from the previous step AND your Government-issued photo ID
NOTE: There is no need to upload any documentation to your profile or any other action required on our part after completion of the fingerprinting.
The results will be posted to your volunteer profile at www.ayso64.org automatically when completed (usually 1-2 weeks after fingerprinting).
Concussion Awareness
: this is an online class taken on the ASYO Training website. See
instructions below
on how to access this training.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
: this is an online class taken on the ASYO Training website. See
instructions below
on how to access this training.
AYSO Safe Haven
: this is an online class taken on the ASYO Training website. See
instructions below
on how to access this training.
: This requirement is based on the
Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017
which applies to AYSO. This is an online class provided by an external vendor. To access this training, follow these instructions:
Login to your account at www.ayso64.org
Click on the 'Volunteer tab on the left side
In the section marked 'Important information from AYSO', click on the down arrow to the right of this text
In the expanded section, you should see a link in the 'SafeSport' section which will take you to the vendor's website to complete this training. There are also additional details on how to take the other training/certifications on this page. Note that you will need to create an account with the SafeSport training vendor in order to continue.
When you click on the SafeSport training link for the first time, you will see a 'Sign Up' page to create an account. Most of the fields should be self-explanatory, but for the 'Name of Sport or Community Organization Required' field, enter 'AYSO'.
When you successfully login to get to the Safe Sport home page, scroll down to the section titled 'My Courses'. There, you should see a course titled 'SafeSports Trained - U.S. Soccer Federation'. Click on the 'Start' button to start this course.
NOTE: There is no need to upload any documentation to your profile or any other action required on our part after completion of the SafeSport course.
Your volunteer profile at www.ayso64.org will automatically be updated shortly after completion.
AYSO Training Website (aka AYSOU)
To access the AYSO Training website to take the Concussion Awareness, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and AYSO Safe Haven online classes, follow these steps:
Login to your account at www.ayso64.org
Click on the 'Volunteer' tab on the left side
Under your name, click on the 'AYSOU' button
You should now be taken to and automatically logged in to the AYSO training website
Click on the 'Training Library' link on the left side
IMPORTANT: Click on the blue 'View Courses' button in the 'Safe Haven' section
. All the required courses are within this section, even if they are not Safe Haven-related. Here, you will see links to the following online versions of the courses you will need to take:
AYSO's Safe Haven - Online
CDC Concussion Awareness - Online
Sudden Cardiac Arrest - Online
Click on the blue 'Enroll' button to take each respective online course
AYSO Coach Training
In addition to all the
common trainings/certifications
referenced above, all AYSO Coaches must also take the relevant coach training courses for the age group they will be coaching.
Note that you must have the age appropriate level of training for your age group, even if you have a higher level of training. So for example, if you had only taken the 10U Coaching class previously, you are not certified to coach 6U or 8U age groups until you have taken the 6U or 8U Coach training class, respectively. Once you are certified for a specific age group, you do not have to take that training again, but are always welcome to retake training as a refresher.
Training for Playground, 6U, and 8U Coaches can all be done online. There is an option to do these in-person as well, but it is dependent on scheduling availability. Training for 10U and above consists of an online training course plus a mandatory in-person coach training session.
To access the AYSO Coach Training online courses, follow these steps:
Login to your account at www.ayso64.org
Click on the 'Volunteer' tab on the left side
Under your name, click on the 'AYSOU' button
You should now be taken to and automatically logged in to the AYSO training website
Click on the 'Training Library' link on the left side
Click on the blue 'View Courses' button in the 'Coaching' section. All the required online coaching courses are within this section.
Click on the blue 'Enroll' button to take online Coach Training course relevant to the age group that you will be coaching.
AYSO Referee/8U Official Training
In addition to all the
common trainings/certifications
referenced above, all AYSO Referees/8U Officials must take the relevant training courses for the age group they will be officiating. Only training for 8U Officials can be done exclusively online. There's an option for in-person 8U Official courses as well (highly recommended), but it is dependent on scheduling availability. Most of the training for 10U+ Referees consists of an online training course plus a mandatory in-person Referee training session. To access the AYSO Referee/8U Official Training online courses, follow these steps:
Login to your account at www.ayso64.org
Click on the 'Volunteer' tab on the left side
Under your name, click on the 'AYSOU' button
You should now be taken to and automatically logged in to the AYSO training website
Click on the 'Training Library' link on the left side (for the online portion of the Regional Referee training and the online version of the 8U Official training)
Click on the blue 'View Courses' button in the 'Refereeing' section. All the required Referee/8U Official courses are within this section.
Click on the blue 'Enroll' button to take online Referee or 8U Official Training course relevant to the age group that you will be coaching.
For those courses that are in-person, click on the blue 'Enroll Via Event' button which will take you to the training calendar which will list the relevant upcoming in-person trainings courses for the training you had selected and follow the prompts from there to Enroll in one of the training sessions.
AYSO Team Manager Training
In addition to the
common trainings/certifications
referenced above, Team Managers should also attend a live, virtual Team Manager training session before the season starts. Details will be sent out shortly before the start of the season. If the training sessions have already been held, a link to the presentation from the session will be displayed below.
2025 Spring Training Slide Deck
from Team Manager training (use the left/right keys on keyboard to navigate the presentation)
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AYSO Region 64
PO Box 701126
San Jose, California 95170
[email protected]
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. By continuing to use our Services you agree to all terms.